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Learn from Experience

Dive deep into what makes Tilton unique. Read articles from those who know!

Slideshow Extracurriculars

Service experiences enrich perspectives, deliver insight, and develop empathy

Slideshow Dorm Life

What happens outside of the classroom makes all the difference.

Article Academics

What’s Special About Tilton’s Ninth-Grade Seminar

Choose a Guide
Our student ambassadors will show you around.
Select a student and experience the Tilton story through their eyes.

Colleen, 11th Grade

Admissions Ambassador Basketball Boarding Student Dorm Proctor

Aidan, 10th Grade

Academics Boarding Student California Hockey

Isaac, 9th Grade

9th Grade Experience Boarding Student International Student Soccer

Beckett, 11th Grade

Art Day Student Study Abroad Young Women's+ Leadership

Colleen, 11th Grade

Admissions Ambassador Basketball Boarding Student Dorm Proctor

Aidan, 10th Grade

Academics Boarding Student California Hockey

Isaac, 9th Grade

9th Grade Experience Boarding Student International Student Soccer

Beckett, 11th Grade

Art Day Student Study Abroad Young Women's+ Leadership